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Titolo Improving Witnesses' Recollection by Reinforcing the Cognitive Interview: The 5Ws Questions as an Information-gathering Method
Riferimento bibliografico

Nicola Palena, Lucrezia Cavagnis, Dalila Vitali, Giorgia R. Pergolizzi, Letizia Caso (2024). Improving Witnesses' Recollection by Reinforcing the Cognitive Interview: The 5Ws Questions as an Information-gathering Method. The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, vol. 16, p.61 - 75 , art. no. 2 , DOI:

Autori Giorgia Rita Pergolizzi
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Lingua Inglese
Parole chiave

Category Clustering Recall (CCR) Category Clustering Recall (CCR) , investigative interviewing investigative interviewing , Lie detection Lie detection , Lie tellers Lie tellers , nhanced Cognitive Interview (ECI) nhanced Cognitive Interview (ECI) , Truth tellers Truth tellers

Anno di pubblicazione 2024