Dettaglio Pubblicazione

Titolo Measurement Invariance of Three Versions of the PathologicalNarcissism Inventory across Gender-Matched Italian Adolescent HighSchool and Young Adult University Students
Riferimento bibliografico

Antonella Somma, Aaron L. Pincus, Andrea Fontana, Beatrice Cianfanelli, Andrea Fossati (2020). Measurement Invariance of Three Versions of the PathologicalNarcissism Inventory across Gender-Matched Italian Adolescent HighSchool and Young Adult University Students. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, vol. 42, 1, p.1 - 14 , DOI: DOI: 10.1007/s10862-019-09758-7

Autori Beatrice Cianfanelli - 08/04/1984
Genere o sotto-tipo Articolo in rivista
Lingua Inglese
Parole chiave

Pathological Narcissism Inventory . adolescence . measurement invariance . confirmatory factor analysis Pathological Narcissism Inventory . adolescence . measurement invariance . confirmatory factor analysis

Anno di pubblicazione 2020
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